Confirmation at Pont is for grades 6-8 with students confirmed the fall of 9th grade. Classes meet on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm throughout the school year.
Youth Group is for grades 6-12 and meets twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30 pm, and there are additional youth retreats, camps, and other activities. Pont also has a Youth Mentorship program, pairing a teenager with an adult as a mentor.

A wedding is a worship service. We believe it is important that those being married at Pontoppidan are familiar with the worship practices of our church.
If you are a member of Pontoppidan you are familiar with our sanctuary and Staff. If not, contact the Church Office office@PontOnline.org or 701-232-0998 to reserve the date for your wedding.
You should reserve a date for your wedding at least three months prior. Part of the wedding preparations include meeting with the Wedding Coordinator, meeting with the pastor, and a meeting with the church organist/pianist.
We look forward to serving you on your very, very special day!

If you or a child of yours would like to be baptized, contact the Church Office office@PontOnline.org or 701-232-0998.
What happens at Baptism?
Promises are made by God at Baptism. These are promises which infants grow into, and which adults live out and confirm in their daily lives.
Martin Luther said it this way: “In Baptism God forgives sin, delivers from death and the devil, and gives everlasting salvation to all who believe what he has promised.”
If you would like to learn more about Baptism, contact the Pastor.

The Mobile Food Pantry at Pontoppidan, in partnership with the Great Plains Food Bank, provides fresh vegetables, fruits, shelf-stable items, meat, bakery items, boxed goods and much more to individuals in need. Items are distributed right off of our truck by Pont volunteers and delivered directly to people in need.
Distributions are set up as a drive-through where clients are able to stay in their cars and items are placed directly inside their vehicle. All in need of food assistance are welcome to come and receive food at no cost! A short intake form is filled out onsite; no pre-registration or referrals required. Please enter Pontoppidan Lutheran Church’s East parking lot from 3rd Avenue.
Learn more here.

Volunteering at Pont can be rewarding and fulfilling!
Serve as an usher or greeter, provide special music, join the choir or handbell choir, or help with Sunday school.
Pont has a weekly Quilting group that makes quilts to donate, and a weekly Cardmakers group that makes greeting cards.
Whether you are looking to give back to Pont, strengthen your relationship with God, or simply meet new people, volunteering can be a wonderful opportunity!

Our Sunday Worship Service is broadcast live at 10am on radio AM 1100 "The Flag."
Each broadcast costs $250. With a gift of $250 or more, a broadcast may be dedicated in memory or honor of a loved one.
To support this important ministry, contact Pont at 701-232-0998 or donate online.
Sundays from 9:15 am – 9:55 am
Our Sunday School Program gives children from age 3 to Grade 12 the opportunity to learn about their faith through music, activities, and classroom time. We are currently studying the life of Jesus. All ages start the morning together with an activity, music, and Bible story time, then split into two groups; one older and one younger. In the smaller groups the kids have further age-appropriate discussion and activities to reinforce the lesson.
Milestone Celebrations
Entry to Sunday School with Spark Story Bibles (age 3)
Bible Presentation (Grade 2)
First Communion (Grade 5)
Entry to Confirmation (Grade 6)
Confirmation (Grade 9)
Graduation (Grade 12)
Pont also has all-ages Vacation Bible School in the summer each Wednesday evening in June.